for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and
the said Alice C. Thomas, the wife of the said T.F. Thom
as, on and examination taken and made separately
and part from her said husband, did acknowledge
that she made herself a party to said deed for the pur
pose of renouncing and relinquishing her dower, or
right of dower, in and to the lands, tenements and
hereditaments therein described and thereby granted
and released, and that she executed said deed freely
and without any compulsion, constraint, appre-
hension or fear of or from her said husband. Witness
my hand, and seal at Gainesville Fla. the date afore
(Seal) H.F. Dye
Notary Public, State of Florida.
My Commission expires June 12th-1918.
Filed March 16th 1915.
Recorded March 17th 1915.
S.H. Wienges Clerk
By C.E. Wienges DC
C.E. Whiting as Guardian }
To } Deed
Mrs. Kate Martin }
This Indenture, Made the 16th day of March 1915, Between
C.E. Whiting, as Guardian of the estate of Ralph W. Whi-
ting, a minor party of the first part, and Mrs Kate Mar-
tin of the County of Alachua and State of Florida, party
of the second part, Witnesseth: That the said C.E. Whi-
ting as Guardian as aforesaid having on the 6th day of
May AD 1912, by petition applied to the Judge of the
County Judge's Court in and for Alachua County, Flo-
rida, for authority to sell certain real estate, the prop
erty of said Minor lying and being in said County
of Alachua, and more particularly hereinafter descri-
bed; and the prayer in said petition having appeared
to said Judge to be reasonable and just and to the be-
st interest of said Minor, and the Court being sat-
isfied of the expediency of such sale, having made an
order dated the 6th day of May AD 1912. directing |