Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 95
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Deed Record 95 Page 319
es therein mentioned; and the said Florida Jones and
Hattie Ridlon, the wives of the said J.P. Jones and
John F. Ridlon, on an examination taken and made
separately and apart from their said husband, did
acknowledge that they made themselves parties to
said deed for the purposes of renouncing and relinqu
ishing their dowers, or rights of dower, in and to the
lands, tenements and hereditaments therein described
and thereby granted and released, and that they ex-
ecuted the said deed freely and without compulsion,
constraint, apprehension or fear of or from their said
husband. Witness my hand and seal at Newberry,
this the 7th day of October, AD 1914.
          (Seal)     H.A. Hockett
                Notary Public, State of Fla. at Large.
                My com. Expires March 14-1916.
Filed March 20th 1915.
Recorded March 22nd 1915.
                             S.H. Wienges  Clerk
                            By C.E. Wienges  DC

       R.B. Hodgson  }
           To        }            Deed
       N.B. Crevasse }
This Indenture, Made the 26th day of November 1914 be-
tween R.B. Hodgson Administrator of the estate of J.H.
Law, deceased, party of the first spart, and A.B. Cre-
vasse, of the County of Alachua and State of Florida,
party of the second part, Witnesseth: That the said
R.B. Hodgson, Administrator as aforesaid ha-
ving on the 12th day of August, AD 1914, by petition
applied to the Judge of the Probate Court in and
for Alachua County, Florida, for authority to sell
certain real estate, the property of said Deceased,
lying and being in said County of Alachua,
and more particularly hereinafter described;
and the prayer in said petition having appeared
to said Judge to be reasonable and just and to be
the best interest of said estate, and the Court being
satisfied of the expediency of such sale, having made
Transcribed by Karen McColl 16 May 2024
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