title to the said land herein and hereby conveyed, and will defend
the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
The said Annie F. Taylor party of the second part, for herself
and her representatives, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,
owners of, any of the said lot or lots herein and hereby described and
conveyed, covenant and agree that no building or buildings shall
hereafter be erected on the said lot or lots herein and hereby conveyed,
to be used for any offensive occupation, and that there shall not
be allowed or erected on any part of said lots of land any brewery
or saloon, slaughter house, forge, foundry, carpenter, carriage or
car shop, stores or general mercantile establishments, glue, varnish or
turpentine establishments, or any establishment for dressing hides,
not any theater, circus or menagerie, that the lot or lots herein
and hereby described and conveyed shall be used exclusively for
dwelling house purposes, and that no dwelling house shall or
will hereafter be constructed upon either or any of the said lots
above described and conveyed, for a less value than Two Thous-
and ($ 2,000.00) Dollars; the said Annie F. Taylor, party of the sec-
ond part, for herself her administrators, assigns, legal representat-
ives and successors, further covenant and agree that none of the
said lot or lots herein and hereby described and conveyed shall
hereafter be conveyed, sold, rented or leased to any negro or color-
ed person or person of african descent, for any purpose or purposes
whatsoever; that in the event of the violation of either or any of the
above covenants, the said lot or lots herein and hereby conveyed shall
revert to F.M. Brannon, and Augusta W. Brannon, their executors,
administrators and assigns.
In Testimony Whereof, the said parties of the first part have here-
unto set their hands and affixed their seals on the 2nd day of
December AD 1913.
Signed, sealed and delivered in
the presence of us as witnesses:
T.P. Blalock } F.M. Brannon (Seal)
W.H. Burdick } Augusta W. Brannon (Seal)
State of Florida,}
Alachua County. }
Personally came before me F.M. Brannon and Augusta W. Bran-
non, his wife, each of whom being to me well and personally
known, and known to be the identical persons described in and
who executed the above and foregoing deed of conveyance, and
severally acknowledged each for himself and herself, that they |