said sum of Twelve Dollars and for the purpose of releasing
any claim or right in and to said lot, does hereby release, remise
and forever quitclaim all its right, title and interest in and to
said lot or parcel of land to wit the South West quarter of the south
west quarter of the south east quarter of the north west quarter of Sect-
ion Sixteen in township eleven south of range eighteen east, contain-
ing two and one half acres more or less and known as the old
school house lot in Archer Alachua County State of Florida.
Unto the said parties of the second part and to their heirs and
assigns forever. Together with the tenements and hereditaments
and appurtenances thereto belonging.
In Witness Whereof the said Board of Public Instruction in
and for Alachua County Florida in accordance with a reso-
lution of said Board adopted the day and date of the execution
of this Indenture, has execute this deed and caused the seal
of said Board to be affixed hereto.
Attest: The Board of Public Instruction, in
J.L. Kelley (Seal) and for Alachua County State of
Superintendent and Clerk of Florida.
Board. By R.B. Welks (Seal)
Signed, sealed and delivered Chairman.
in presence of J.F. Futch (Seal)
Fred Cubberly } Member of Board.
R.L. Tison } S.M. Blitch (Seal)
as witnesses. } Member of Board.
State of Florida, Alachua County.}
Before the undersigned authority personally came R.B. Weeks to
me well known and known to me to be the Chairman of the
Board of Public Instruction in and for Alachua County Florida
and who acknowledged before me that he executed and signed the
foregoing quit claim deed for and on behalf of said Board, for the
uses and purposes therein expressed and in accordance with a reso-
lution of said Board and at the same time personally came J.L.
Kelley to me known as the County Superintendent in and for said
County and Clerk of said Board and who acknowledged that he at-
tested the foregoing quit claim deed and affixed the seal of said
Board thereto on behalf of said Board and by direction of said
Board in accordance with a resolution of said Board.
J.F. Futch and S.M. Blitch
member of said Board and who acknowledged that they sign-
ed and executed quit claim deed for the uses and pur-
[PART SEC16 TWP11 R18]