poses therein expressed.
Witness my hand and official seal this 1st day of June AD 1915.
(Seal) Fred Cubberly
Notary Public State of Florida
at Large. My Commission
expires June 15, 1917.
Filed June 1st 1915
Recorded June 2nd 1915
S.H. Wienges Clerk
By E. Weir DC
P.G. Ramsey As Sheriff }
To } Sheriff's Deed
W.W. Hampton, Jr. }
State of Florida }
Alachua County. }
Whereas, Under and by virtue of an execution issued
out of the Circuit Court for the Eighth Judicial Cir-
cuit of the State of Florida, in and for Alachua Cou-
nty, and directed to all and singular the Sheriffs
of the State of Florida, wherein M.C. Kiser Company,
a Corporation under the Laws of the State of Geor-
gia, is Complainant, and E.L. Reese and S.L. Bla
nton are Defendants, I, P.G. Ramsey, as Sheriff of
Alachua County Florida, have duly levied upon
the property hereinafter described; And Whereas, Un-
der and by virtue of the said Execution and of the
said Levy, I duly advertised the said property
hereinafter described for sale at public outcry for
the period of thirty (30) days consecutively, imme-
diately preceding the 1st day of April AD 1912,
in the Gainesville Sun, "a daily newspaper in the
City of Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida; And
Whereas under and by virtue of the said execution
and of the said levy and the said advertisement, I
exposed the said property hereinafter described at
public outcry before the Court House door in
the City of Gainesville, Alachua County, Flor-
ida, on Monday the 1st day of April, AD 1912.
being a Legal Sale Day, between the legal hours