and the said Mrs. S.I. Cannon the wife of the said E.E. Cannon
upon an examination taken and made by me separately and apart
from her said husband, did acknowledge before me that she
made herself a party to said deed and executed the same free-
ly and voluntarily and without compulsion, constraint, apprehen-
sion or fear of or from her said husband.
acknowledged and subscribed
before me this 14th day of June 1915. }
(Seal) J.W. Patton }
Notary Public, State of Florida: } E.E. Cannon
My Commission expires December } S.F. Cannon
14, 1916. }
Filed June 21st 1915
Recorded June 22, 1915
S.H. Wienges Clerk
By E. Weir DC
A.M. Reid }
To } Warranty Deed.
Jacobs Pharmacy Co. }
State of Georgia, }
Fulton County. }
This Indenture, made this 12th day of February in the year
of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and fifteen between A.M.
Reid of the State of Georgia and County of Fulton of the first
part, and Jacobs Pharmacy Co. of the State of Georgia and County
of Fulton of the second part.
Witnesseth: That the said party of the first part, for and in con-
sideration of the sum of One thousand ($1000) Dollars, in hand paid
at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and
conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and con-
vey unto the said party of the second part, their heirs and as-
signs, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the
County of Alachua, State of Florida known as the North West quarter
of the Southwest quarter and the East half of the South West quarter
of Section #3 in Township #8 South of range #14 East of Tallahassee
meridian in Florida, containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres
according to the official plat of the survey of the said lands
returned to the general Land Office by the Survey or General.
To Have and To Hold the said bargained premises, together
[PART SEC3 TWP8 R14] |