executed in the presence
of us as witnesses:
W.H. Burdick } E.M. Brannon (Seal)
J.W. Patton }
State of Florida }
County of Alachua }
Before me personally appeared E.M. Brannon to me
well known as the person described in and who ex
ecuted the above and foregoing deed of conveyance
and acknowledged the execution of said deed for
the uses and purposes therein set forth and con-
Acknowledged and subscribed }
before me this 15th day of June 1915. } E.M. Brannon (Seal)
(Seal) J.W. Patton }
Notary Public, State of Fla. }
My Com. expires Dec. 14-1916. }
Filed and Recorded June 28th 1915.
S.H. Wienges Clerk
By C.E. Wienges DC
P.G. Ramsey. Shf. }
To } Sheriff's Deed
R.L. Black }
Whereas, under and by virtue of a certain writ of Fi-
eri Facias issuing out of the Circuit Court of Flo-
rida, for Alachua County, and bearing date December
7th 1914, and entitled in a certain cause pending
in said Circuit Court wherein Virginia Carolina Che-
mical Company, a Corporation, is plaintiff and
J.C. Haile, is defendant, and which said writ is
directed to all and every the sheriffs of the State of
Florida, and whereas under and by virtue of said
writ I, P.G. Ramsey, as sheriff of Alachua County,
Florida, did levy upon the real estate hereinafter
described, as the property of the said defendant
J.C. Haile, subject to levy and sale thereunder,
and after having duly advertised notice of the date,
time and place when and where the said property
would be sold by publishing said notice in the