Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 95
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Deed Record 95 Page 513
and they acknowledged before me that they executed
the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes there
expressed. And I Further Certify, That the said
Mami P. Boulware known to me to be the wife of the
said Musco W. Boulware on a separate and private
examination taken and made by and before me,
separately and apart from her said husband, did ac-
knowledge that she made herself a party to said
deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing
and conveying all her right, title and interest wh
ether of dower, homestead or of separate property,
statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described
therein, and that she executed the said deed freely
and voluntarily and without any compulsion, con-
straint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband.
Witness my hand and official seal at Island Grove
County of Alachua and State of Florida, this 26th day of
October AD 1914.
       (Seal)     R.H. Cassels
               Notary Public, State of Florida.
              My Com. expires Jan. 18, 1915.
Filed and Recorded July 3rd 1915.
                             S.H. Wienges  Clerk
                           By C.E. Wienges  DC

      B.F. Carlton & Wife  }
            To             }     Warranty Deed
      Mrs. Clara E. Martin }
This Indenture, Made this 16th day of June AD 1915.
Between B.F. Carlton & Zeffie Carlton Husband & Wife
of the County of Alachua in the State of Fla. parties
of the first part, and Mrs. Clara E. Martin of the Cou
nty of Alachua in the State of Fla. party of the sec-
ond part, Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first
part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dol-
lars to them in hand paid by the said party of the
second part, her heirs and assigns forever, the fol-
lowing described land, situate, lying and being
in the County of Alachua State of Fla. to-wit:
Commencing at the North east corner of Section
Transcribed by Karen McColl 25 June 2024
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