scribed in, and who executed the foregoing instrument,
and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be
their free act and deed for the uses and purposes
therein mentioned; and the Martha Chesser, the wife
of the said Daniel Chesser, on and examination taken
and made separately and part from her said hus-
band, did acknowledge that she made herself a par
ty of said deed for the purpose of renouncing and
relinquishing her dower, or right of dower, in and
to the lands, tenements and hereditaments therein de-
scribed and thereby granted and released and that
she executed said deed freely and without any
compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of
or from her said husband. Witness my hand and
seal at La - Crosse Fla. the date aforesaid.
(Seal) J.E. Parker ((50 cts ))
Notary Public ((Rev. Stamps ))
My Com. Expires 12-10-1918 ((Cancelled ))
Filed and Recorded July 6th 1915.
S.H. Wienges Clerk
By C.E. Wienges DC
Joseph H. Butler }
To } Warranty Deed
Francis E. Butler}
State of Florida }
Citrus County. }
This Indenture, made and entered into this 4th day of
September AD 1914, between Joseph H. Butler of the
County and State aforesaid, party of the first part, and
Francis E. Butler of the State of Florida and Citrus Co-
unty party of the second part; Witnesseth, That the said
part of the first part, for and in consideration of the
sum of Five Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars, to him
in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath gran-
ted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these
presents doth grant, bargain, sell and convey unto
the said party of the second part and her heirs and
assigns forever, the following land lying, being and