Notary Public State at Large
My Com. expires June 15 - 1917.
Filed Nov. 11th 1915.
Recorded Nov. 12th 1915.
S.H. Wienges Clerk
By C.E. Wienges DC
Marcus Conant Co. }
To } Warranty Deed.
James Hale }
This Indenture, made this eighth day of November AD 1915, Be-
tween Marcus Conant Company a Corporation existing under the laws
of the State of Florida, having its principal place of business in the
County of Duval and State of Florida party of the first part, and
James Hale of the County of Alachua and State of Florida party
of the second part. Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part,
for and in consideration of the sum of Ten (10.00) Dollars, to it in
hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has grant-
ed, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed and con-
firmed, and by these presents doth, grant, bargain, sell, alien, re-
mise, release, convey and confirm, unto the said party of the sec-
ond part and his heirs and assigns forever, all that certain par-
cel of land lying and being in the County of Alachua and
State of Florida more particularly described as follows:
"The West half of the South-West quarter of the North-East quart-
er of Section (36) Thirty-six, in Township Ten (10), South of Range
eighteen (18) East, and being the same land conveyed by Lula L.
Bagaley and husband to William Larsen by Warranty deed bear-
ing date the 16th day of September, AD 1905, and recorded in Deed
Book 66 at page 248 of the Public Records of Alachua County, Florida.
Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances,
with every privilege, right, title, interest and estate, reversion, remainder
and easement thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining To
Have And To Hold the same in fee simple forever.
And the said party of the first part doth covenant with the said
party of the second part that it is lawfully seized of the said
premises; that they are free of all incumbrances, and that it has
good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and the said
party of the first part does hereby fully warranty the title
to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful
claims of all persons whomsoever.
[PART SEC36 TWP10 R18] |