Alice L. Wells and husband }
To } Title to Real Estate
L.C. Gracey }
The State of South Carolina
County of Abbeville
Know All Menn by These Presents, That Mrs Allice
L. Wells and S.D. Wells, her husband of Abbeville
County in the State aforesaid for and in consider-
ation of the sum of Five Dollars, to them in hand
paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by
L.C. Gracey of Allachua County in the State
of Florida the receipt Whereof is hereby acknowled-
ged, have granted, bargained, sold and released,
and quit claimed and by these Presents do grant,
bargain, sell and release and quit claim unto
the said L.C. Gracey South East quarter of
South East quarter and South East quarter of South
West quarter and West half of South East quarter
and North East quarter of South East quarter
and South East quarter of North East quarter
of Section Ten and South West quarter of North
West quarter and North half of South West quarter
of Section eleven all of Township Eight South
of Range Seventeen East of Allachua County,
State of Florida. Together with all and singular
the Rights, members, Hereditaments tenements
and appurtenances to the said Premises
belonging, or in any wise incident or appertaining
To Have and To Hold, all and singular the said
Premises before mentioned unto the said L.C.
Gracey and his heirs and assigns forever.
Witness their hands and Seals this 20th day
of July in the year of our Lord one Thousand
Nine hundred and fifteen.
The Words and quit-claimed tenements inserted
and aforesaid and the Warranty clause and clause
as to date of Independence of the United States
erased before execution.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered }
in the presence of } Alice L. Wells (LS)
Reba Wells } S.P. Wells (LS)
Ethel L. Wells }
[PART SEC10 TWP8 R17] [PART SEC11 TWP8 R17] |