Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 98
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Deed Record 98 Page 184
The State of South Carolina
County of Abbeville.
Personally appeared before me Miss Ethel L. Wells
and made oath that she was present and saw the
within named Mrs Alice L. Wells and Mr S.D. Wells
her husband Sign Seal and as their act and deed
delivered written deed, and that she, with Miss
Reta Wells witnessed the execution thereof.
Sworn to before me this
The 20th day of July AD 1915.
(Seal) W.L. Miller (LS)       Ethel L. Wells
     Notary Public of
     South Carolina
The State of South Carolina }
County of Abbeville         }
            Renunciation of Dower.
I, N.L. Miller NP SC, do hereby certify unto
all Whom it May Concern that Mrs Alice L.
Wells, the wife of the within named S.D. Wells
did this day appear before me, and upon
being privately and separately examined by me,
separate and apart from her said husband did
declare that she does freely, voluntarily, and
without any compulsion, dread or fear of her
said husband or any person or persons, Whom-
soever, renounce, release and forever relinquish
unto the within named L.C. Gracey his
heirs, Assigns all her interest and estate
and also all her right and claim of dower of,
in or to all and singular, the premier within
mentioned and released.
Given under my Hand and Seal this 20th
da of July AP 1915.               }
(Seal)  N.L. Miller               } Alice L. Wells
  Notary Public for South Carolina}
  County of Abbeville
                I hereby certify, that on this
the 28th day of July 1915, before me, A Notary
Public for South Carolina N.L. Miller person-
ally appeared Alice L. Wells, the wife
Transcribed by Karen McColl 5 April 2024
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