ganized and existing under the laws of the State
of Florida, and John M. Carlisle of Gainesville, Alachua
County, Florida, Witnesseth: That the said City
of Gainesville, for and in consideration of the sum of
Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars to it in hand paid this
day by the said John M. Carlisle, the receipt where
of is hereby acknowledged, has remised, released
and quit claimed, and by these presents does remise,
release and quit-claim unto the said John M. Car-
lisle and to his heirs, executors, administrators and
assigns, all the right, title, interest, claim and de
mand which the said City of Gainesville has to th-
ose certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situa-
ted, lying and being in the said City of Gaines-
ville, particularly known and described as follows
to-wit: Commence at the South east corner of the
lot sold R.F. Taylor the husband of A.E. Taylor by
the estate of James B. Bailey, and by him sold to
Mrs. A.E. Taylor, and by Mrs. Amelia E. Taylor and
husband sold to Mrs. Annie T. Carlisle, and run
North 210 feet thence West 210 feet, thence South 210
feet, thence East 210 feet to the place of beginning, less
a lot 69 feet North and South by 210 feet East and
West on the South side of same, sold to Mrs. M.
E. Weston, and Commence at the South west cor
ner of the lot above described as having been
sold by Mrs. Amelia E. Taylor and husband to
Mrs. Annie T. Carlisle and run West 840 feet, thence
North 210 feet, thence East 840 feet, thence South
210 feet to the place of beginning. All of said land
being in the South western part of said City of
Gainesville, and in the South Half of Section 5,
Township 10 South of Range 20 East. On account of
any Tax Deed or Tax Certificate, or any Taxes due
and unpaid to the said City of Gainesville, by
any person whomsoever prior to January 1st 1915,
on the above described lots, pieces or parcels of
land. To have and hold the same, together with
all and singular the appurtenances thereto be-
longing or in anywise thereto appearing. In Wit-
ness Whereof, the said City of Gainesville, by vir-
[PART5 TWP10 R20] |