said parties of the first part of, in and to the following
described land situate, lying and being in the
County of Alachua and State of Florida, to wit:
Beginning at the North West Corner of the South
half of Lot Seven (7) in section Thirty Four (34)
in township Eleven (11) South, Range Twenty-Two
(22) East: Thence South One hundred and five (105) feet
thence East Six Hundred (600) feet, thence North
One hundred and Five (105) feet, thence West Six
hundred (600) feet to place of beginning, Containing
63,000 square feet more or less.
To Have and To Hold the same unto the said parties
of the second part, and their successors in office
in trust as aforesaid for the use and behoof of
said Church and the public as aforesaid, forever.
In Witness Whereof the said parties of the first
part have hereunto set their hands and seals the
day and year first above written
Signed, sealed and } }
delivered in the } }
presence of } Witness to each } Mamie Winter (Seal)
C.C. Price } signer } E.L. Winter (Seal)
B.F. Butler } } Charlie Dorothy (Seal)
Coleman (minor (seal)
State of Florida }
County of Volusia } Before me personally appeared
E.L. Winter to me well known and known to me
to be one of the persons described in and who executed
the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
thereof to be his free act and deed for the uses and
purposes therein expressed -
Witness my hand and official seal this 19th
day of May 1915
( ) James L. Pattello
( Seal ) Notary Public, State of Florida
( ) My commission expire October 9, 1918
State of Florida }
County of Volusia } Before me personally
appeared Mamie Winter and Charlie Dorothy
Coleman to me well known and known
to me to be two of the persons described
[Part SEC34 TWP11 R22]