Northwest quarter of the North east quarter, the east
half of the Northwest quarter and the south west
quarter of the north west quarter of Section twenty-
five in Township seven South of Range fourteen
east of the Tallahassee Meridian, Florida, containing
One hundred sixty and five-hundredths acres
according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the
said Land, returned to the General Land Office
by the Surveyor-General:
Now know Ye, That there is, therefore, granted by the
United States unto the said claimant the tract
of Land above described.
To Have and To Hold the said tract of Land, with the
appurtenances thereof, unto the said claimant and to
the heirs and assigns of the said claimant forever.
In Testimony Whereof, I, William H. Taft
President of the United States of
America, has caused these letters
to be made Patent, and the seal
of the General Land Office to be
( ) hereunto affixed.
( Seal ) Given under my hand, at the
( ) City of Washington, the Fourteenth
day of February in the year of
our Lord one thousand nine
hundred and thirteen, and of the
Independence of the United States
the one hundred and Thirty-Seventh
By the President: Wm H. Taft
By M.P. LeRoy, Secretary
H.W. Sanford
Recorder of the General Land
Recorded: Patent Number 31530
Filed and Recorded Feby 15th 1916
S.H. Wienges Clerk
By Mattie B. Turbeville DC
[Part SEC25 TWP7 R14]