United States The one hundred and
(Seal) Thirty-Fifth
By The President: Wm. H. Taft
By The A.S. Stump Assistant, Secretary
H.M. Sanford
Recorder of The General Land Office
Filed March 18th 1916
Recorded March 20th 1916
S.H. Wienges Clerk
By Mattie B. Turbeville DC
Heirs of Sarah C. Grey }
To } Warranty Deed.
T.C. Holden }
The State of Florida,
Alachua County.
Know All Men By These Presents,
That, We Ida E. Morehouse and W.J. Morehouse (her
husband) of Cook County, State of Illinois,
Dollie S. Bolton and L.D. Bolton (her husband)
of The County of Wayne State of Michigan.
Jos. H. Gray and Carolyn L. Gray (his Wife) of The
County of Multnomah (State of Oregon, And
Davis B. Gray, and Marion S. Gray (his Wife) of
The County of Alameda State of California, of the
Counties and States as aforesaid, for and in con-
sideration of The sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars,
to Us in hand paid by T.C. Holden, of The
County of Alachua, in The State of Florida. The
receipt Whereof We do hereby acknowledge, have
granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by
These Presents do grant, bargain, sell and con-
vey unto him The said T.C. Holden, all That
certain lot, piece, tract or parcel of land sit-
uated, lying, and being in The County of Alachua,
State of Florida, particularly known and described
as follows, to-wit:
The North East Quarter of Section Fourteen (14)
Township Ten (10) Range Twenty Two (22). Less
Thirty (30) acres of The South side, and Ten (10) acres
[PART SEC14 TWP10 R22]