I, H.J. Mulcrery, County Clerk of The City and
County of San Francisco, and ex-officio Clerk
of The Superior Court Thereof, The same being
A Court of Record having by law a seal, do
Hereby Certify, That James Mason Whose name
is subscribed to The Certificate of The Proof of
Acknowledgment of The annexed instrument
and Thereon Written Was, at The time of taking
such proof and acknowledgment, A Notary
Public, in and for said City and County, residing
therein, duly commissioned and sworn, and duly
authorized by The laws of said State to take
The acknowledgments and proof of deed or con-
veyances, for land, tenements or hereditaments
in said State to be recorded Therein.
And Further That I am well acquainted with
The handwriting of such Notary Public, and
verily believe That The signature to said
Certificate of proof of acknowledgment is
genuine, and That said instrument is
executed and acknowledged according to the
laws of said State.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed The seal of said
Court, The 18th day of December 1903
(Seal) H.J. Mulcrery
Filed March 21st 1916
Recorded March 23rd 1916
S.H. Wienges Clerk
By Mattie B. Turbeville DC
H.C. Parker and I.O. Parker }
To } Warranty Deed
E.A. Weil Company. }
State of Florida }
Alachua County. } Know All Menn By These Presents,
That we, H.C. Parker and I.O. Parker (husband and
wife) of the aforesaid County and State, for and in
consideration of Twenty four hundred and 00/100 |