therein described, and that she executed said deed
freely and voluntarily and without any constraint,
fear, apprehension or compulsion of or from her said
Witness my signature and official seal at
High Springs in the County of Alachua and
State of Florida the day and year last
W.R. Jones (Seal)
Notary Public
My Com. Expires May 12th 1918.
State of Florida }ss.
County of Alachua }
I, an officer authorized to take acknowledgments
of deeds, Hereby Certify that S.B. Phifer and his
wife Mrs Annie G. Phifer personally known to me
to be the individuals described in and who ex
ecuted the foregoing instrument, and that said
individuals this day acknowledged before me
that they executed said instrument.
Witness my hand and official seal,
this 3rd day of Feb. AD 1916.
at High Springs in said County and
(Seal) W.R. Jones
Notary Public
MY Com. Expires May 12th 1918.
Filed March 25th 1916.
Recorded March 28th 1916.
S.H. Wienges Clerk
By C.E. Wienges DC