Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 98
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Deed Record 98 Page 370
                                     S.H. Wienges Clerk
                                    By C.E. Wienges DC

A.P. Buie Spl Master }
        To           }  Master's Deed.
Walter Fentem        }
State of Florida, }
Alachua County.   }
Whereas, under and by virtue of a Final Decree of Fore-
closure made and rendered on the 4th day of February,
AD 1916, by the Hon J.T. Wills, Judge of the Circuit
Court of the Eighth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in Chan-
cery, in a certain cause pending wherein Walter Fentem
as Trustee for Beth Fentem, is complainant, and Kathinka
Gaylord and E.S. Gaylord, her husband, are defendants.
I, the undersigned, was appointed Special Master in Chan-
cery and authorized and directed to levy upon, advertise
and sell the property hereinafter described in accordance
with law;
And Whereas, I duly advertised the said property for sale
for a period of thirty days immediately preceeding the said
sale in the Gainesville Daily Sun, a newspaper published
in the City of Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida;
 And Whereas, on this the 3rd day of April, AD 1916, in
accordance with the said advertisment notice, and under
and by virtue of the said Final Decree of Foreclosure, as
set forth above, I, A.P. Buie, as Special Master In Chancery,
exposed said property for sale at public outcry in front of
the Court House Door in the City of Gainesville, Alachua Co-
unty, Florida, the same being the place where property is
sold, the same being a legal sales day, to the highest
and best bidder for cash;
And Whereas, at said sale Walter Fentem, as Trustee for
Beth Fentem became the purchaser thereof at and for the
sum of Thirty Five ($35.00) Dollars, that being the highes,
best and last bid for the same;
Now Therefore, for and in consideration of the premises,
and under and by virtue of the said Final Decree of Fore-
closure of Mortgage, and the said advertisement of sale
and the sale pursuant thereto, and for and in consid-
eration of the sum of Thirty Five ($35.00) Dollars, to me
Transcribed by Karen McColl 7 September 2023
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