State of Florida party of the second part.
Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part, for and
in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Dollars to them
in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the re-
ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargain-
ed, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant,
bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second
part, and his heirs and assigns forever, the following land
lying, being and situate in the said County of Alachua
and State of Florida, to-wit:
The East half of Lot Eleven (11) of O.B. Baileys sub Division
of Lot Fifteen (15) Millers Survey of the South half of Section
Thirty two (32) Township Nine (9) South Range Twenty (20)
East. Containing One Fourth (1/4) acre, be the same more
or less, together with all and singular the tenements, hered-
itaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any-
wise incident or appertaining.
To Have And To Hold said lands and premises, with the
appurtenances, to the said party of the second part, his
heirs and assigns; forever. And the said parties of the first
part do hereby bind themselves and their heirs, executors
and administrators to fully warrant and forever defend
the title to said premises unto the said party of the sec-
ond part his heirs and assigns, against the said parties
of the first part and their heirs, executors and administra-
tors, and against all persons whomsoever lawfully or equit-
ably claiming or to claim the same.
In Witness Whereof, The said parties of the first part
have hereunto set their hands and seals the date aforesaid.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in our presence as witnesses:
A.B. Whelpley } Isaac x Wilson (Seal)
Chas. B. Galloway} Eugenia Wilson (Seal)
The State of Florida; }SS.
County of Hernando. }
I, A.B. Whelpley a Notary Public in said County and
State, do hereby certify that on this the 27th day of Jan-
uary AD 1916 personally appeared before me Isaac Wilson
and Eugenia Wilson his wife; to me well known to be the
parties described in, and who executed the foregoing Deed of
Conveyance, and severally acknowledged to me that they