Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 98
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Deed Record 98 Page 458
is recorded in Deed Book "I" Page 591, Public records of
Alachua County, Florida and described as follows, to-wit:- Com-
mence at the Northeast corner of said Lot 24 and run thence
on the Eastern Boundary line of said Grant South 4 1/2 de-
grees East 9.22 chains to a stake the place of beginning,
thence run South 86 1/4 degrees West 10.15 chains to a
stake on the edge of Hammock adjoining Bivins Arm,
thence from the point of beginning on the eastern boun-
dary line South 4 1/2 degrees East 10.78 chains to a stake,
thence South 86 1/4 degrees West 7.75 Chains to a stake
on the edge of the Hammock adjoining Bivins Arm
thence in a Northwesterly direction up the meandering
of said Hammock to a stake the Northwest Corner a-
bove referred to, thence North 86 1/4 degrees East 10.15
chains to a stake the place of beginning.
Also a certain fractional lot in said Fractional Lot 24
of Thomas Napier Grant as per Plat thereof recorded in
Deed Book "I" at page 591, and described as follows, to-
wit: Commence at the Northeast corner of said Lot 24,
thence run South 4 1/2 degrees East 9 Chains and 42 links
to a stake on the Eastern Line of said Grant, thence run
South 86 1/4 degrees West 10 Chains and 15 links to a stake
on the edge of the Hammock, thence in a Northwesterly
direction along the meandering line of the said Hammock
to the Northern boundary line of said Grant, thence North
86 1/4 degrees East 11 Chains to the place of beginning: con-
taining 10 acres more or less; Also, Commence at the North-
East corner of said Napier Grant, thence run North 5 & 2/3
degrees West 4 Chains and 50 links to a stake, thence South
84 1/4 degrees West 12 Chains and 80 links to the water line
of Bivin's Arm, thence along the meandering of said Bivin's
Arm in a Southeasterly direction to a stake on said water
line, thence from said stake North 84 1/4 degrees East 11
Chains and 80 Links to the place of beginning, containing
by estimation 26 acres of land more or less. All the above
described lands being the same lands conveyed by deed
made by Susan Howell and husband to G. Henry Davis,
and recorded on the Public records of Alachua County,
Florida, in Deed Book 64 at page 408.
Also, Lot Number 6 and the West Half of Lot Number 7
of W.C. Miller's survey of the D.L. Clinch Grant Lot.

Transcribed by Karen McColl 16 November 2023
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