in mentioned, and the said L. Welcome, the wife of the said Charles
Welcome, on an examination taken and made separately and apart
from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself
a party to the said deed for the purpose of renouncing and re-
linquishing her dower, or right of dower, in and to the lands, tene-
ments and hereditaments therein described and thereby granted and
released, and that she executed said deed freely and without any
compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said hus-
Witness my hand and seal at Gainesville, Fla, the date aforesaid.
(Seal) J.W. Patton
Notary Public, State of Florida.
My Commission expires December
14, 1915.
Filed and Recorded October 16th 1915
S.H. Wienges Clerk
By E. Weir DC
The United States }
To } Patent
Perry M. Colson }
The United States of America,
To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:
R. and R. 209.
Gainesville, Florida.
Whereas, In pursuant of the Act of Congress, approved
March 3, 1855, entitled An Act in addition to cer-
tain Acts granting Bounty Land to certain Officers
and Soldiers who have been engaged in the Mil-
itary Service of the United States, "there has been
deposited in the General Land Office, Warrant No.
59262, for one hundred twenty acres, in favor of
Chancellor L. Buie, Corporal, Captain's Compa
ny, New York Militia, War 1812, with evidence
that the same has been duly located upon the south
east quarter of the northwest quarter, the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter, and the northwest
quarter of the southeast quarter of Section four
in Township eleven south of Range seventeen
east of the Tallahassee Meridian, Florida,