December 15, 1852
The Court met pursuant to adjournment -
State of Florida }
vs } Carrying arms Secretly
James G. Dell }
In this cause the defendant by Counsel
enters a plea of Guilty and consents that a fine of Five
dollars may be entered. It is therefore considered that the
said defendant do pay said fine and all costs and
said defendant in mercy &c
State of Florida }
vs } Carrying arms Secretly
Charles C. Stewart }
In this cause the defendant by his
counsel enters a plea of Guilty and consents to a fine
of Five dollars.
It is therefore considered by the Court
that the said defendant do pay said Fine of Five dol-
lars and all costs and the said defendant in mercy &c
State of Florida }
vs } Carrying arms Secretly
James H. Stephens }
This Cause is continued
and capias ordered to issue
Clarissa Keil }
vs } Bill for Divorce
Adam Keil }
In this Cause the Examiner Mr. Henry
Bradfor is allowed Ten dollars for his services in this