Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 103
                                     December 15, 1852

State of Florida   }
       vs          }  Receiving Money from Slaves
George M. Galpin   }
                   The defendant in this cause haveing
been returned guilty on yesterday by the Jury sworn and
empanneled in this cause, it is considered ordered
and adjudged by this Court that the defendant
do pay a fine of Twenty five dollars and the
costs of this prosecution and the said defendant
in mercy &c

State of Florida  }
      vs          }  Murder
James H. Stephens }
                   Now on this day comes the parties John P. Sander
son prosecuting the please of the State, and the prisoner in his own
proper person who acknowledged himself to owe and stand indebt=
ed to the State of Florida in the sum of Ten thousand dollars ($10,000)
lawful money to be levied of his goods and chattels lands and
tenements, and John G. Rawls, Giles U. Ellis, George W. Sanchez, Benjamin
White, Abraham Mott, and Isaac J. Carter, his securities who each ack-
nowledged themselves to owe and stand indebted to the State of 
Florida as follows, that is to say the said John G. Rawls in the
sum of one thousand dollars, the said Giles U. Ellis in the sum
of Five thousand dollars, the said George W. Sanchez in the
sum of Two thousand dollars, the said Benjamin White
in the sum of Five hundred dollars, the said Abraham Mott
in the sum of one thousand dollars and the said Isaac
J. Carter in the sum of Five hundred dollars. The said
several sums of Money to be levied of their respective goods
chattels slave lands and tenements, the condition of this
obligation is as follows, That the said James H. Stephens who
stands charged in an Indictment for Murder shall and
appear in person in this Court on the first day of the next
Term thereof and not depart the same without the leave there
of then and in that case the above obligation to be void
otherwise to remain in full force and virtue

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 6 March 2011
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