Circuit Court Eastern Circuit Florida
County of Alachua
At a regular term of the Circuit Court of the Eastern Circuit
of the State of Florida for the County of Alachua began and held
at the Court House in Newnansville in Said County of Alachua
on Monday the Second day of May one thousand Eight hundred
and fifty three
Present the Honl William A. Forward Judge &c
The venire heretofore Issued being returned, and the Jurors
Summoned to attend at this term of the Court being called
the following Jurors answered to their names viz
1. W.C. Allen 2 M.S. Perry 3 John Wiggins, 4 James
M. Sparkman 5 Israel Sherouse 6 B.D. White, 7 John B. Standley
8 Thomas B. Holder 9 James Cason 10 Stephen Sparkman
J.F. Secrest 11 Peter Sparkman 12 W.W. Scott 13 Council Stokes
14 H.H. Colson 15 N.A. Strobhar 16 Walter Button 17 Jessee Hagan
18 Wm J. Turner 19 John Rogers 20 Garry Ford 21 James Tompkins
22 Joseph Thomas 23 Horace Merry 24 Andrew Robb 25 E.S. Geiger
26 Saml W. Burnnett 27 Saml B. Colding 28 Wayne Tullis 29 Geo A. Hires
30 Wm Colson 31 Henry Sweeney 32 James Pendarvis
The following named persons good and Lawful
men were drawn according to Law to serve as Grand Jurors
at the present term of the Court, to wit:
1 Madison S. Perry 9 Garry Ford
2 B.D. White 10 James Tompkins
3 Thos B. Holder 11 Horace Merry
4 James Cason 12 E.T. Geiger
5 Stephen Sparkman 13 Saml B. Colding
6 H.H. Colson 14 Henry Sweeney
7 Jessee Hagan 15 Walter Button
8 John Rogers
The Grand Jurors having retired Selected as their
foreman M Madison S. Perry who was appointed by the Court as
Such foreman and duly Sworn the Grand Jurors were then
Sworn & the Court thereupon delivered its charge,
Charles F. Fitchett was duly sworn to attend the
Grand Jury during the present term, whereupon the
Grand Jury retired to their Room |