Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 108
         Tuesday May 3rd 1853

George B. Payne     }   Means
      vs            }     Assumpsit
John H. Zawadski    }   Mitchell
                           On this day came the parties
by their attornies, and on motion of plaintiff's Counsel
it is ordered that this case be dismissed at the costs
of the defendant, Thereupon it is considered and ad=
=judged by the Court that the plaintiff do recover of and
from the said defendant the Sum of
              for his costs in and about his Suit in
this behalf expended, And the defendant in mercy &c

Horace Merry    }   Means
       vs       }     Assumpsit
John H. Zawadski}   Mitchel
                On this day came the parties by their
attornies, and on motion of plaintiffs Counsel it is order-
=ed that this case be dismissed at the costs of the defendant
Thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court
that the plaintiff do have and recover of and from the
said defendant the sum of
for his costs in and about his Suit in this behalf expended
and the defendant in mercy &c

George W. Sanchez was appointed and sworn as Bailiff to
the Court
         John T. Prevatt was appointed and sworn to act
as Bailiff to the Petit Jury

For cause shown it is ordered by the Court, that Counsel
Stokes be discharged from further attendance as a Juror
at this Term of the Court

The regular panel of Jurors being exhausted by order
of the Court a Special Venire facias for Twelve Jurors
returnable forthwith was issued, which Said venire was
returned by the Sheriff Executed

           Mattox a witness was dismissed for the balance
of the term
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 8 April 2011
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