Wednesday May 4th 1853
recover of and from the said defendant the Sum of Six hun=
=dred and fifty three dollars and twenty five cents ($625.25) for his
damages, together with the further Sum of Eighteen dollars
and Eighty seven cents for his costs in and about his suit in this
behalf expended, and the defendant in mercy &c
Ozias Buddington } Yelveston, Taylor
vs } Assumpsit
George H. Sharp } Hately
Upon the calling of this case in its regu=
=lar order on the docket, it appearing to the Court that no pleas
had been filed to the declaration in this case, on motion of plaintiff
Counsel, it is ordered that the plaintiff do have a judgment by
default, and that the Clerk assess the damages, And the Clerk
having assessed the damages at Two Hundred & Seventy Six
Dollars It is Thereupon considered and
adjudged by the Court, that the plaintiff do have and recover
of and from the said defendant the Sum of Two hundred
and twenty Six dollars for his damages on account of the
non performance of the promises and assumption in plaintiffs
declaration mentioned; together with the further Sum of Three
dollars and forty one cents for his costs in and about his suit, in
this behalf expended, And the defendant in mercy &c
Ozias Buddington } Yelveston, Taylor
vs } Assumpsit
George W. Sanchez admr}
of Jno J. Sanchez decd} OBrien, Scott
Upon the calling of this case on its regular order
on the docket, it appearing to the Court that no plea had been filed
to the declaration in this case; upon motion of Plaintiff Counsel
It is ordered that the plaintiff do have a judgment by default
for the want of a plea, and that the Clerk assess the damages,
and the Clerk having assessed the damages at Two
Hundred & Eighty five Dollars & 45/100 It is thereupon con-
sidered and adjudged by the Court that the plaintiff do have
and recover of and from the said defendant the Sum of
Two hundred and Eighty five dollars & 75/100
for his damages on account of the non performance of the
promises and assumptions in plaintiff's declaration mentioned,
together with the further Sum of Three dollars and
Seventy one cents for his costs in and about his
suit in this behalf expended, and the defendant in mercy
&c |