Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 115
    Wednesday May 4th 1853
mentioned, together with the Sum of four dollars and fifty
cents                      for their costs in and about their
Suit in this behalf expended, And the defendant in mercy &c

Ozias Buddington     }  Yelveston, Taylor
         vs          }     Assumpsit
H.C. Wilson          }  Scott, OBrien
            Upon the calling of this case in its order
It appearing that no plea had been filed to the declaration
On motion of plaintiff's Counsel It is ordered that the
plaintiff do have a judgment by default and that the Clerk
do assess  the damages, and the Clerk having assessed the
damages at Ninety five Dollars & 01/100 dollars

it is thereupon considered and adjudged by the Court that the
plaintiff do have and recover of and from the said defendant
the Sum of Ninety five & 01/100 dollars
                             for his damages on ac=
=count of the non performance of the promises and assumptions
in plaintiff's declaration mentioned: together with the further sum
of Three dollars and five cents
for his costs in and about his Suit in this behalf expended,
And the defendant in mercy &c

  It being Shown to the Court that Jonas Driggers had been
duly subpoenad to attend as a witness on behalf of the State
at this term of the Court: and that the said Jonas Driggers
was not in attendance upon the Court, upon motion of John
P. Sanderson Esqr. Solicitor, is ordered that an attachment
do issue against the said Jonas Driggers, returnable upon
tomorrow morning

State of Florida  }   Mr. Solicitor
       vs         } Indictment for carrying arms secretly
James H. Stephens }   Means
                On this day came the Solicitor of the State of
Florida John P. Sanderson Esqr. who prosecutes the pleas of the
State in this behalf, and the defendant by George W. Means
Esqr. his attorney, and the said defendant pleaded guilty
and by consent of the Solicitor submitted his case to the Court
Thereupon the Court sentenced the said James H. Stephens
to pay to the State of Florida a fine of five dollars, together
with the costs of this prosecution taxed at Seven dollars
and ninety eight cents  and that he stand committed
until the said fine and costs be paid
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 26 February 2012
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