Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 118
     Thursday May 5th 1853
Court met pursuant to adjournment
Present the Hon William A. Forward Judge &c
The Grand Jury came into Court and presented the following
Bills of Indictment
State of Florida     }
       vs            }  Selling goods on the Sabbath day
William D. Clark     }        A True Bill
                              M.S. Perry  foreman

State of Florida     }
       vs            }  Retailing Spiritous liquors
William D. Clark     }   without licence
                              A True Bill
                              M.S. Perry  foreman

State of Florida     }
       vs            }  Keeping gaming table
Samuel Burnett       }        A True Bill
                              M.S. Perry  foreman

State of Florida     }
       vs            }  Playing and betting at cards
George M. Galpin     }        A True Bill
                              M.S. Perry  foreman

State of Florida     }
       vs            }  Playing and betting at Cards
Washington W. Scott  }        A True Bill
                              M.S. Perry  foreman

State of Florida     }
       vs            }  Keeping a gaming room
Elijah Barrow        }        A True Bill
                              M.S. Perry  foreman

State of Florida     }
       vs            }  Playing and betting at Cards
John T. Prevatt      }        A True Bill
                              M.S. Perry  foreman

State of Florida     }
        vs           }  Playing and betting at Cards
E.S. Gunnell         }        A True Bill
                              M.S. Perry  foreman

State of Florida     }
        vs           }  Assault with intent to Kill
Jerome Jones         }        A True Bill
                              M.S. Perry  foreman
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 25 March 2011
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