Thursday May 5th 1853
Court met pursuant to adjournment
Present the Hon William A. Forward Judge &c
The Grand Jury came into Court and presented the following
Bills of Indictment
State of Florida }
vs } Selling goods on the Sabbath day
William D. Clark } A True Bill
M.S. Perry foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Retailing Spiritous liquors
William D. Clark } without licence
A True Bill
M.S. Perry foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Keeping gaming table
Samuel Burnett } A True Bill
M.S. Perry foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Playing and betting at cards
George M. Galpin } A True Bill
M.S. Perry foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Playing and betting at Cards
Washington W. Scott } A True Bill
M.S. Perry foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Keeping a gaming room
Elijah Barrow } A True Bill
M.S. Perry foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Playing and betting at Cards
John T. Prevatt } A True Bill
M.S. Perry foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Playing and betting at Cards
E.S. Gunnell } A True Bill
M.S. Perry foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Assault with intent to Kill
Jerome Jones } A True Bill
M.S. Perry foreman