Thursday May 5th 1853
State of Florida } Solicitor
vs } Selling goods on the Sabbath day
William D. Clark }
On this day came as well the Solicitor of the
State of Florida John P. Sanderson Esqr. who prosecutes the
pleas of the State in this behalf, and the defendant in person and
the said defendant pleads guilty, and with the consent of the
Solicitor submitted his case to the Court, Whereupon the Court
sentenced the said defendant to pay to the State of Florida, a
fine of twenty dollars, together with the costs of the prosecu-
-tion, and that he stand committed until said fine and costs
be paid, Thereupon he is remanded into custody
State of Florida } Solicitor
vs } Affray
David O. Hires, Isham Peacock}
and Madison Peacock } Means
On this day as well the Solicitor of the State
of Florida John P. Sanderson Esqr. who prosecutes the pleas
of the State in this behalf, and the defendants David O. Hires
and Isham Peacock in person, and their attorney George W.
Means Esqr., and the Said defendants pleaded guilty, and
with the consent of the Solicitor Submitted their case to the
Court, Thereupon the Court Sentenced the said defendants, each
to pay to the State of Florida a fine of Twenty dollars, together
with the costs of this prosecution, and that they stand committed
until said fine and costs be paid, Thereupon they are remanded
into custody
State of Florida } Solicitor
vs } Assault and Battery
David O. Hires } Means
On this day came as well the Solicitor of the State of Florida
John P. Sanderson Esqr, who prosecutes the pleas of the State in this behalf,
and the defendant in person, and George W. Means Esqr. his attorney, and
the said defendant pleaded guilty, with the consent of the Solicitor
Submitted his case to the Court, Thereupon the Court Sentenced the
said defendant to pay to the State of Florida a fine of five dollars
together with the costs of this prosecution; and that he stand com-
-mitted until said fine and costs be paid, Thereupon he is remand-
-ed into custody
Court adjourned until to morrow morning 9 OC