Friday May 6th 1853
State of Florida } Solicitor
vs } Gaming
Lemuel Wilson } McIntosh, Wheaton, Mitchel
Upon motion of defendants Counsel, and upon
affidavit of defendant, this case is continued until next Term
Lemuel Wilson and John B. Standley appeared in open Court,
and acknowledged themselves to owe and Stand indebted to the
State of Florida on the manner following that is to say, the
said Lemuel Wilson in the Sum of fifteen hundred dollars,
and the said John B. Standley in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars,
to be levied of their respective goods and chattels lands and tene-
=ments if default be made in the following condition, that is
to say, if the said Lemuel Wilson shall be and appear at
the next Term of this Court to answer to an Indictment for Gaming
and shall not then depart without leave of the Court,
then this obligation to be null and void, else to remain in
full force virtue and effect
It being shown to the Court that Gabriel Sanchez and
Elijah Barrow who had been duly subpoened to attend at
this Term of the Court as witnesses in behalf of the State, on
motion of the Solicitor Attachments were issued against
the said Gabriel Sanchez and Elijah Barrow returnable
Britton Dixon Appellant } OBrien
vs } Appeal from Justice Robbs Court
Henry B. Turner Appellee } Scott
On motion of Appellants Counsel, this cause is continued
until next Term
Court then adjourned until to morrow morning 9 OC
William A. Forward
Judge &c