Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 132
Saturday May 7th 1853

State of Florida    }
        vs          }  Playing and betting at Cards
Charles Johnson     }
      The same entry as the foregoing in all respects

State of Florida    }
        vs          }  Gaming
Simeon Sanchez      }
         On motion of defendants Counsel, and upon af-
fidavit filed, the Court permitted the defendant to with-
=draw the plea of guilty pleaded by him on yesterday
  The defendant to pay all costs incurred by this applica-
tion   Defendants Counsel then moved to quash the In=
=dictment in this case, upon the grounds that the name of
the Foreman of the Grand Jury was not Signed to the finding
of the indictment, to which motion the Solicitor consented
and said Indictment is quashed according; and on motion
of the Solicitor the defendant is ordered to enter into Re=
-cognizance for his appearance at the next Term of this

  Simeon Sanchez and Henry C. Wilson appeared in
open Court, and acknowledged themselves to owe and stand
indebted to the State of Florida in the manner following, to wit,
The said Simeon Sanchez in the Sum of Fifteen hundred dollars,
and the said Henry C. Wilson in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars,
to be levied of their respective goods and chattels, lands and
tenements, of default be made in the condition following, that
is to say; if the said Simeon Sanchez shall be and appear
at the next Term of this Court, to answer to any Indictment
that be preferred against him by the State of
Florida; for gaming and shall not depart the Same without leave
then this obligation to be null and void else to remain
in full force and virtue.

William Dell           }  OBrien
          vs           }  Bill for foreclosure of Mortgage
Joseph G. Bell and wife}
           It is ordered that the Solicitor for complainant
have leave to withdraw the papers filed in this Case, from
the files of the Court, in order that he may present the
same to the Court, upon condition that he give to the
Clerk of the Court his receipt for the same
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 27 February 2012
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