State of Florida }
vs } Larceny No. 1
Levi Johns }
A True Bill
State of Florida }
vs } Larceny No. 2
Levi Johns }
A True Bill
State of Florida }
vs } Assault with intent to kill
Archelaus Hague }
A True Bill
State of Florida }
vs } Assault with intent to kill
Saml J. Kennard }
A True Bill
The Court adjourned until nine oclock tomorrow morning
Thomas J. Prevatt administrator of William S. Standly Deceased }
vs }
Seborn J. Standly, Isaiah Floyd & Martha Floyd his wife, Solomon F. Halliday }
guardian of Martha Harville, Jesse S. Harville, and Samuel Harville and Dicey}
Prevatt Guardian of Thomas C. Standly }
Written next to the right of the above case information:
} petition for order
} to sell Guardian of Wm
} real Estate
This cause coming on to be considered and upon reading the petition, hearing the
the proofs made in open Court, and filed in the cause, and appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said
petitioner has been duly appointed and commissioned administrator of the said William Standly deceased, as set forth in
said petition. That the said Deceased died seized and possed of three hundred and eighty acres of land situate in
the County of Marion, as described and set forth in said, That the said Deceased died Intestate, and that Seborn J.
Standly and Isaiah Floyd, and Martha Floyd his wife are legal heirs and Distributors of said Deceased, who are twenty
one years of age, and Thomas C. Standly, Martha Harville, Jesse S. Harville and Samuel Harville are legal heirs and devisees of
Said Deceased, and none other, and it further appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that the Said petitioner did file his peti=
=tion in this Court at the May Term thereof last, past, and that the Court did at said Term Order Citations, to be Issued by the
Clerk of the Court, to the Said Seborn J. Standly, and the said Isaiah Floyd and Martha his wife heirs and devisees
of the age of twenty one years and to Dicey Prevatt Guardian of Thomas C. Standly, and Solomon F. Halliday of Martha, Jesse
S. and Samuel Harville commissioned them to answer Said petition and deny all the allegations contained in said petition
and Show cause, why said land should not be sold for the purposes set forth in said petition, and said answers of the said
Guardians having been accordingly filed, and it further appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the real Estate
cannot be Equitably and beneficially divided and distributed amongst the aforesaid heirs and distributors without the
Sale of the said lands, and having been shown no cause why said lands should not be sold for the purpose of
making more Equitable and beneficial Division and distribution of the said Land amongst the said heirs and distri
=butors, It is therefore on motion of M.W. Smith Attorney for the petitioner considered, ordered and adjudged
by the Court that the said land Set out and described in said petition be sold for the purpose aforesaid,
provided that at least thirty days notice of such sale be made at public out cry before the Court
House door of the County of Marion, and John G. Reardon Samuel St. George Rogers, and William S. Harris
be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners, to sell said land, according to the terms and under the
restrictions of this order, and to make report of all their actings and doing in the premises to this Court, on
the first day of the next Term thereof, to be holden on the first Monday of May next ensuing, at the
Court House in the Town of Ocala in the County of Marion, and State of Florida
J.J. Finley Judge of the Western Circuit
now presiding in the Eastern Judicial
Circuit of the State of Florida