Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 162
Saturday December 15th 1853

Court met pursuant to adjournment
          Present the Honl Jesse J. Finley Judge &c

State of Florida   }   Solicitor
        vs         }   Selling Spiritous liquor to a Negro
John D. Weimer     }   M. McIntosh
                 On this day came as well the Solicitor who prose=
=cutes the pleas of the State in this behalf, and the Defendant in
person and his Council M. McIntosh Esqr. and the said
Defendant pleaded not guilty, Thereupon came a Jury, to wit
Elijah Barrow, Isaac Johns, J.S. Downing, David I. Ridaught
William Sapp, Clem Seckinger, Thos W. Green, Josiah Seckinger
William Mott, Edgwin S. Gunell, Daniel, Who were duly
Elected, tried and Sworn, a True Verdict to render, James J. Kennard
and John T. Prevatt were examined as witnesses in behalf of
the State. And the Said Jury having the evidence, and the argument
of Council, and the Charge of the Court, retired to consider of their
verdict, and thereafter and upon the same day the said Jury returned
into Court and rendered the following verdict, We the Jury find
the Defendant guilty. Whereupon the Court assessed the punishment at a
fine of fifty dollars. It is therefore ordered considered by the Court that
the State of Florida do have and recover of and from the said Defendant the
Sum of fifty dollars, and the costs of this prosecution

State of Florida     }         
       vs            }  Assault with intent to kill
William J. Caston    }
                  Continued upon affidavit of Defendant
Recognized in the Sum of one thousand dollars, five hundred
dollars for the princible and five hundred dollars for the Security
Lewallen Williams. William J. Caston and Lewallen Williams
appeared in open Court, and acknowledged themselves to be and stand
indebted to the State of Florida in the Sum of one Thousand dollars
that is to say, the said William J. Caston in the Sum of five
hundred dollars, and the said Lewallen Williams in the Sum of
five hundred dollars, to be levied of their respective goods and
chattles, Slaves lands and tenements, if default be made upon
the following Conditions, That is to say if the said William
J. Caston Shall be and appear at the next Term of this
Court, to answer to an Indictment against him for
an assault with intent to Kill then and^not
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 26 May 2013
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