Spring Term May 1st 1854
Circuit Court Eastern Circuit of
Florida County of Alachua
At a regular Term of the Circuit Court of the Eastern
Circuit of the State of Florida, for the County of Alachua, began
and held at the Court House at Newnansville, in Said County of
Alachua, on Monday the first day of May, one thousand eight
hundred and fifty four,
Present the Honl. William A. Forward Judge &c
The Venire heretofore Issued being returned, and the Jurors
Summoned to attend at this Term of the Court being called,
the following Jurors answered to their names, vis. 1 Daniel C. Hart,
2 William Sapp, 3 Williams Adams, 4 William Hornsby, 5 Joseph
B. Holder, 6 Mathew Chesser, 7 Abaham Mott, 8 James
S. Chesser, 9 V.R. Prevatt, 10 Albert Roberts, 11 Jacob
G. Stroble, 12 William R. Paisley, 13 Simeon Dell, 14 James
Burnett, 15 Thomas Tillis , 16 Wade H. Bryant, 17 Samuel
Chesser, 18 Robert Campbell 19 Saml W. Burnett,
The following named persons good and lawful men were
drawn according to law to Serve as Grand Jurors at the present Term of the Court,
to wit,
1 William Sapp 9 Albert Roberts
2 William Adams 10 Jacob G. Stroble
3 William Hornsby 11 William R. Paisley
4 Joseph B. Holder 12 Simeon Dell
5 Mathew Chesser 13 James Burnett
6 Abraham Mott 14 Thos Tillis
7 James S. Chesser 15 Wade H. Bryant
8 V.R. Prevatt
The Grand Jurors having retired, Selected as their Foreman
Simeon Dell, who was appointed by the Court Such Foreman,
The Grand Jurors were then Sworn, and the Court therefore
delivered its charge,
James S. Gibbons was duly Sworn to attend the
Grand Jury during the present Term, Whereupon the
Grand Jury retired to their Room
Harely Polk was excused from Serving at the Jury on
account of indisposition.