Court met pursuant adjournment present the Honl W.A. Forward Judge &c
Tuesday May 2nd 1854
In Circuit Court Alachua Circuit
May Term 1854
Edmund Hyatt }
William McBurney }
William Haseltine }
Alfred L. Gillespie } Plaintiffs
Partners in Trade under }
the firm & name of } -------------------
Hyatt McBurney & Co } Debt Damages $1500 00/00
vs } -------------------
John G. Rawls } Deft
} And now on this Second
day of May in the year One thousand Eight hundred
& fifty four (1854) came the said Plaintiffs by their
attorney James A. Peden Esq And the said Defendant
came in his proper person and on the calling of
this cause on this day the said the said Defen-
dant came & acknowledged that he was indebted to
the said Plaintiffs in the sum of Three hundred and
four Dollard & Thirteen cents ($304.13) for his debt
mentioned & described in the said Plaintiffs declaration -
And the said Plaintiff having on this day, exhibited & introduced
in evidence a certain promissory note, due by the said Defendant
to the said Plaintiffs to the said Defendant and it appearing that
the aforesaid sum of Three hundred and four Dollars and
Thirteen cents, is now due on said note after deducting the
several payments thereon ~ It is therefore consid=
-ered by the Court that the said Sum of Three hundred
and four Dollars & Thirteen cents ($304.13) so as aforesaid
admitted & confessed by the said Defendant & be due to
the said Plaintiff. Together with the Lawful interest thereon from
the rendition of this Judgment until paid as well as the
further sum of Dollars &
cents for his costs about his suit in this behalf expended
and the said Defendant in mercy &c