Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 171
11 S. Whitehead 12 P. Dell who were duly elected tried and sworn
a true verdict to render Robt Youngblood and E. Barrow were
examined as witnesses in behalf of the State and the said Jury
having heard the evidence and the arguments of the Counsels and the
Charge of of the Court, retired out of Court to consider of their
verdict, and thereupon and upon the same day the said Jury
returned into Court and rendered the following we the verdict
we the Jury find the Defendant guilty of an assault and
assess the punishment to a fine of ten dollars, It is therefore
ordered that the said State of Florida do recover the said sum of Ten dollars
together with the costs of this prosecution, and that said defendant do
stand committed until said fine and costs are paid.

State of Florida     }    Solicitor
      vs             } Disturbing religious worship
William J. Casten    }    McIntosh
                       Motion to Quash Indictment overruled

Eubank Stone & Co    }
      vs             }  Assumpsit Damages $200.00
John G. Rawls        }       On motion ordered that this
                             cause be continued until next Term
                Continued    of the court

State of Florida     }   Sol-
      vs             }    Gambling
Simeon J. Sanchez    }   McI & M
Indictment quashed. No new bill being
found Defendant was discharged

State of Florida     }   Solicitor
      vs             }  Assault with intent to kill.
William J. Caston    }  Smith
Now on this day came the Solicitor James
M. Baker who prosecutes the pleas of the
State and the Prisoner by his counsel who
pleads "not Guilty and thereupon came
a Jury to wit Robt Campbell, Samuel
Chesser P. Dell W.H.G. Saunders N.A. Strobhar
S.W. Brunet D.C. Hart John Robertson
S. Whitehead R.H. Ferguson and Joseph Lancas-
ter, who being elected tried and sworn a true
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 8 June 2013
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