Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 180
The Grand Jury returned into Court and presented the following
Bills to wit
State of Florida     }
         vs          }  Manslaughter
William Beck         }  A true Bill

State of Florida     }
         vs          }  Murder
William Beck         }Not a true Bill

State of Florida     }
         vs          }  Playing and betting at Cards
Edgwin S. Gunnell    }  A true Bill

State of Florida     }
         vs          }  Carrying arms Secretly
William J. Caston    }  A true Bill

Court adjourned until 9 oclock tomorrow morning
                           William A. Forward
                                Judge &c
        Thursday May 4th 1854

        Court met pursuant to adjournment
        Present the Honl William Forward Judge &c

State of Florida       }  Solicitor  Stewart & Means
          vs           }  Manslaughter
William Beck           }  Smith & Edwards
                      On this day came as well the Solicitor
of the State of Florida James M. Baker Esqr who prosecutes the pleas of the
State in this behalf, and Edwards & Means Esqr and the
Defendant in person, and his council Messrs Smith and
State of Florida     }  Solicitor & Stewart
        vs           }  Manslaughter
William Beck         }  Smith & Edwards
                    On this day came as well the Solicitor
of the State of Florida, James M. Baker Esqr who
prosecutes the pleas of the State in this behalf, and
the Defendant in person, and his Counsel Messrs
Smith & Edwards and the Defendant pleads not guilty,
thereupon came a Jury, to wit. 1 Robt Campbell, 2 Thomas
S. Chesser, 3 Philip Dell, 4 W.H.G. Sanders, 5 Noble A.
Strobhar, 6 Daniel C. Hart, 7 Lemuel Wilson & Elijah Barrow
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 27 May 2013
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