Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 181
9 Jonas Driggers, 10 Giles U. Ellis, 11 W.D. Clark, 12 S.R. Piles
who were duly sworn Elected tried and Sworn a true verdict to render,
Erastus Dupree, Henry Sweeney, William Adkins and James A.
Stewart was examined as witnesses in behalf of the State, and
the Said Jury having heard the evidence and the arguments of
the Counsels, and the charge of the Court, retired out Court
to consider of their verdict, and thereupon in charge of a sworn
Bailliff of this Court,

George W. Sanchez a defaulting Juror was excused on
account of indisposition,

  William Adkins and James A. Stewart defaulting witnesses
came into open Court and made excuse for non attendance
and their excuses being considered by the Court to be good and
lawful they were excused.

Thomas J. Prevatt Admr of William S. Standly
                vs                    }
Seborn J. Standley                    }
Isaiah Floyd and Martha his wife      }
Dicey Standley Guardian of            }  Petition
Thomas C. Standley, and Solomon       }
F. Halliday Guardian of Martha Harvill}  Order Sale and
Jesse S. Harvill and Samuel Harvill   }  report of Commissioners
Minor heirs of Warren Harvill and     }
Eliza his wife                        }
                     To the Honorable William A. Forward Judge &c
The undersigned commissioners appointed by the Court to
Sell the lands of the Estate of William S. Standley Decea
=sed, having proceeded according to the order of the Court
to Sell the lands of Said Deceased, to wit; the North half
of South West Quarter, of Section twenty three, the East
half of the South West Quarter, and the West half of the
South East Quarter, the South East Quarter of the South
East Quarter, and the North East Quarter of Section
thirteen, and the North West Quarter of the North
west Quarter of Section twenty four Township thirteen
Range twenty of S. & E. containing four hundred and eighty
acres more or less and Seborn J. Standley being the highest
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 26 February 2012
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