court to be holden in and for the County of Alachua in the State of
Florida, before the Judge of this Court, to answer the Commonwealth
State of Florida of and concerning the Larceny aforesaid, and shall
not depart thence, without the leave of the said Judge, then this
recognizance is to be void.
The State of Florida }
vs } Changing mark of cattle,
John Kitler }
} This cause having been submitted on
motion for new Trial, and good grounds therefor appearing to the
Court, it is ordered that the Verdict aforesaid be set aside
and that a new Trial be had in this cause at the next Term, upon
ordered that the above entry in this cause be ordered nunc pro
tunc as of last Term -- And on motion of James M.
Baker, Esq, Solicitor &c it is ordered that this cause be continued
until the next Term of this Court, and that alias capias do issue.
The State of Florida }
vs } Affray
Asa Clark Jr. and }
Alexander Clark } Now on this day comes the
said State of Florida, by James M. Baker
the Solicitor, and moves the Court for dismiss Judgment
of non: pros: in this cause, which is ordered.
The State of Florida }
vs } Keeping gaming House.
Samuel W. Burnett }
} Now on this day comes the State
of Florida, by James M. Baker, the Solicitor, and moves the
Court for Judgment of non: pros: in this cause, which
is ordered.
The State of Florida }
vs } Assault with intent to Kill
Archelaus Hague }
} On motion of Solicitor ordered that
alias capias do issue in this cause
The State of Florida }
vs } Disturbing Religious Worship
William J. Caston }
} Now on this day comes the State
of Florida, by James M. Baker, the Solicitor, and moved the
court for Judgment of non: pros: in this cause upon payment |