The State of Florida }
vs } Playing and betting at cards
Edgwin S. Gunnel }
} Now on this day comes the State of
Florida, by James M. Baker, the Solicitor and moves the Court
for leave to enter Judgment of non: pros: in this cause, upon payment
of costs by the defendant, which was ordered accordingly.
It appearing to the Court that, George Gillett, Joshua
Perry, Abraham Guthrey, John A. Dean, James McKinnie
have severally been duly and lawfully summoned to attend at this
Term of this court as a jurors: and that, they said have each
and every of them failed to attend the said term of this court in
obedience to said summons and are severally in default It
is ordered that a rule be served upon the said George Gillett,
Joshua Perry, Abraham Guthrey, John A. Dean, James McKinnie
returnable to the next term of this Court requiring them and
each of them to show cause why the Court should not proceed
to assess a fine against them and each of them for their said
default according to the Statute in such case made and
John J. Underwood & complainant}
Maston Folsom }
vs } Bill in Chancery - for
Isaac J. Carter and Thomas } Injunction, and relief.
Complts }
J. Prevatt, Deft }
On motion of James M.
Baker, Solicitor for complainants who have filed this bill, and
made oath thereto, entered into a bond, and paid up all costs,
according to law, an injunction is awarded them, to day,
until the further order of this Court, all proceedings, on a
suit depending on the common law side of this Court wherein
the said John J. Underwood is Plaintiff, and the said complainants
are defendants, as set forth in said bill - and it is further
ordered that subpoenae do issue in this suit, against said
Henry Sweeney and Erastus Dupree, of the County of
Alachua, Florida, came into Court and acknowledged themselves
to be severally indebted to the State of Florida, in the sum of
one hundred dollars each, of their respective lands and
tenements goods and chattels to be levied - yet upon this
condition, that if the said Henry Sweeney and Erastus Dupree
shall severally make their personal appearance before the
Judge of this Court on the first day of next Term thereof to
give evidence on behalf of the State of Florida vs. William |