Decr 14th 1854
Court met pursuant adjournment
Present the Honl William A. Forward Judge &c
G.S. Sanchez }
vs } attachment
J.D.A. Weimer } Motion for new Trial
Now on this day comes the the Said Defendant
and moves the Court, for causes assigned, for a new trial, and the
Court being of the opinion that the State does not authorize the
granting of a new trial on this issue - it is therefore ordered
Said motion be denied, whereupon the Said Defendant prays an
appeal in open Court, and it further appearing that the
Clerk neglected making entry of said motion and order
at the last term of this Court, it is ordered that the same
be now entered nunc pro tunc as of last term
Isaac J. Carter & }
Thomas J. Prevatt Complainants}
vs } Bill in Chancery for
John J. Underwood & }
Masten Folsom Defendants } said
Now on this day comes the^Defendant
John J. Underwood and moves the Court for disolution of the
injunction granted in this cause at the last term of this Court
and upon hearing of counsel and considering the Same, it was
adjudged and decreed, and ordered that Said injunction be
Same }
vs } Bill in Chancery
Same } Motion for injunction
On hearing and reading the Bill filed in this
cause, and upon argument of counsel, to wit: John J.
Underwood in person, and the Honl Joseph B. Lancaster,
for said Underwood, and Messrs Baker and Smith for
complainants, and it appearing, that bond is filed and all
costs paid according to law, an injunction is awarded them,
to Stay, untill the further order of this Court, all
proceedings on a Suit depending on the Common law
Side of this Court, wherein the said John J. Underwood
is plaintiff, and the said Defendants or complainants
are Defendants, as Set forth in Said Bill. |