Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 213
Decr 14th 1854

State of Florida  }
      vs          }  Changing mark of cattle
John Kitler       }
                     On motion of Solicitor this cause was ordered
to the absentee Docket

State of Florida  }
      vs          }  Assault with intent to Kill
Archelaus Hague   }
                     Continued to the next term of the Court and
the Defendant recognised in the Sum of twelve hundred and fifty
dollars for his appearance at the next term of the Court,
five hundred for the principle, and two hundred and fifty for
each of the Securities
Archelaus Hague, Thomas J. Prevatt, Stephen Fagan and
Lemuel Wilson, appeared on open court, and acknowledged
themselves to owe and Stand indebted to the State of Florida in
the Sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars, that is to say
Archelaus Hague in the Sum of five hundred dollars, Thomas J.
Prevatt in the Sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, Stephen
Fagan in the Sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, and Lemuel
Wilson in the Sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, to be levied
of their respective foods and chattles Slaves, lands and tenements if
default be made in the following condition, that is to Say if the
Said Archelaus Hague Shall be and appear at the next term of
this court to answer to an indictment for an assault with
intent to kill, and Shall not thence depart the court without
the leave thereof then this obligation to be null and void otherwise
to remain in full force and virtue.

State of Florida  }
       vs         }  Assault & Battery
Edguin S. Gunell  }
                     And now on this day came as well the
Solicitor of the State of Florida, James M. Baker Esqr.
who prosecutes the pleas of the State in this behalf and the
Defendant in person and his attny Charles C.A. Mitchell Esqr.
and the Said Defendant pleads not guilty, thereupon came a
Jury to wit; David Benton 1, Joseph Warren 2, Isaac Johns 3,
Daniel Linn 4, Joshua Mizell 5, James M. Dixon 6, William
W. Scott 7, Elijah Barrow 8, Samuel W. Burnett 9, Gabriel S. Sanchez 10,
Asa Clark Jr 11, Daniel C. Hart 12. who were duly elected
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 16 January 2012
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