Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 218
Spring Term 1855  Circuit Court Eastern
                  Circuit of Florida May 14th 1855

At a regular Term of the Circuit Court of the Eastern
Circuit of Florida for the County of Alachua,
began and held at the Court House at Newnansville
in Said County of Alachua on Monday the 14th
day of May A.D. 1855
  Present the Honl William A. Forward Judge &c

  The Venire heretobefore issued being returned and the
Jurors Summoned to attend at this Term of the Court
being called, the following Jurors answered to their names
to wit. Benjamin W. Powell, Waine Tullis, Henry Robinson
John A. Cellon, William Sapp, Washington Ramsey, John
Hennis, Madison S. Perry Isham B. Thomas Thos Lewis,
Wade H. Sparkman, Benjamin Rollins, John Sparkman,
William R. Paisley, Ezekiel Parrish, John Rogers, Burell
T. Stokes, John Robertson, John G. Rawls Daniel
V. Stroble, James Kincaid John Lewis, Saul Lemay
Reding Polk, Amos L. Dell, David Mizell

The following named persons good and lawful men
were drawn according to law to Serve as Grand Jurors
at the present Term of the Court, to wit,
David Mizell, Reding Polk, Ezekiel Parrish, John Rogers,
John G. Rawls, Isham B. Thomas, Waine Tullis,
John Sparkman, Burrell T. Stokes, Wade H. Sparkman
William Sapp, John Hennis, Madison S. Perry
John Robinson, Amos L. Dell

The Grand Jurors haveing retired, Select as their
Foreman M.S. Perry, who was appointed by the Court
as Such Foreman and duly Sworn, the Grand Jurors were
then Sworn, and the Court thereupon delivered its
  Henry Ellis was duly Sworn to attend the
Grand Jury during the present Term,, Whereupon
the Grand Jury retired to their Room

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 24 February 2012
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