Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 224
Monday May 14th 1855

nonperformance of the premises, and the assumpsions in
the Said plaintiffs declaration mentioned, together with
the further sum of           dollars and
cents for his costs in and about his suit in this
behalf expended, and the Defendant in mercy &c

William M. Knox }
        vs      }  Asst
John S. Perry   }
                Upon the calling of this case in its order
upon the Docket, it appearing to the Court that no plea
had been filed to the declaration in this cases on motion
of plaintiffs Counsel by default, and that the Clerk assess
the damages and the Clerk having assessed the damages
at one hundred and Seventeen dollars and fifty five cents
therefore it is considered and adjudged that the plaintiff
do have, and recover of, and from, the Said Defendant the
Said Sum of one hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty five
cents, for his Damages on account of the nonperformance of
the premises, and the assumpsions in the said plaintiffs dec=
-laration mentioned, together with the further sum og
          dollars and            cent for his costs
in and about his suit in that behalf expended, and
the Defendant in mercy &c 

Written in left margin next to above entry:
Execution issued Jany 23rd 1856

Robt Duke           }
         vs         }  Debt
John M. Hendry      }
                     Upon the calling of this case in its order
upon the Docket, it appearing to the Court that no plea
had been filed to the declaration in this case, on motion of plaintiffs
Counsel it is ordered that the plaintiff do tale a Judgment by
default and that the Clerk assess the Damages, and the Clerk
having assessed the damages at one hundred and ninety
two Dollars and sixty three cents, therefore it is considered and
adjudged that the plaintiff do have, and recover of, and from
the said Defendant the said Sum of one hundred and niny
ninety two dollars and Sixty three cents for his damages in
account of the nonperformance of the premises and the
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 10 June 2013
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