Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 229
Tuesday May 15th  1855

The Court met pursuant to adjournment
Present the Honl William A. Forward  Judge &c

State of Florida   }
       vs          }  Assault with
Archelaus Hague    }  intent to Kill
On motion of Defendant Attachment ordered to issue for James
Mobly Jane Gunnell Harry Stokes Harbard Clark and
Mary Stokes,  and cause continued

State of Florida   }
       vs          }  Assault & Battery
Edgwin S. Gunnell  }
                    On motion of Solicitor, and other
request of the prosecutor Nolle prosiqui is entered in this
cause upon payment of costs by the Defendant

George R. Clotfelter}
        vs          }  asst
Moses Ramsey        }
                     This cause is dismissed on motion of plaintiffs

Benjamin Hopkins    }
for the use &c      }
      vs            }
George B. Payne     }
                     Demurrer to plea of limitation Sustained
cause continued by consent of parties, and an affidavit
filed, and leave granted by the Court to amend Declaration

John Gissentiner    }
        vs          }  Trial right of property
Gabril S. Sanchez   }
                      Motion for continuance on affidavit
on motion and it appearing that the bond in this cause was
defective it is ordered that the claim to the property in
this case be dismissed

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 March 2011
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