Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 238
Thursday May 17th 1855

State of Florida  }
       vs         }  Assault & Battery
Martin Hirers     }
                     Continued to the next term of the
Court, and the Defendant recognised in the Sum of
two hundred Dollars for his appearance at the next term of
the Court, two hundred Dollars for the principle
and one hundred Dollars for each of the Securities
  Martin Hires Isaac Johns and Jonas Driggers
appeared in open Court and acknowledged themselves
to owe and Stand indebted to the State of Florida
in the Sum of fours hundred Dollars, that is to say
Martin Hires in the Sum of two hundred dollars
Isaac Johns in the Sum of one hundred dollars, and
Jonas Driggers in the Sum of one hundred dollars,
to be levied of goods and chattels, Slaves, lands and
tenements, if default be made in the following
condition, that is to say that if the said Martin Hires
Shall be and appear at the next term of the Court
to answer an indictment against him for disturbing
Religious worship and not depart the same without
leave thereof then this obligation to be null and
void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue

State of Florida   }              firing 
       vs          }  Unlawfully Burning woods
Job T. Richard     }
                      On motion of the Solicitor James
M. Baker recognizance was vacated and the Defendant
was discharged

State of Florida   }
        vs         }  Assault with intent
Mathew B. Hawkins  }  to Kill
                    Continued to the next term of
the Court and the defendant recognised in
the Sum of five hundred dollars for his appearance
at the next term of the Court, five hundred dollars
for the principle two hundred and fifty dollars
for each one of the Securities, Mathew B. Hawkins
Giles U. Ellis and Philip Dell appeared in open
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 2 April 2011
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