Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 239
Thursday May 17th 1855

Court and acknowledged themselves to owe and Stand
indebted to the State of Florida in the Sum of five
hundred dollars, that is to say Mathew B. Hawkins in
the Sum of five Hundred dollars, Giles U. Ellis in
the Sun of two Hundred and fifty dollars and Philip
Dell in the Sun of two hundred and fifty dollars to be
levied of their goods and chattles Slaves lands and tenements if
default be made in the following contion, that is to say
if the Said Mathew B. Hawkins Shall be and appear at
the next term of the Court to answer an indictment
against him for an assault with intent to kill, and
not depart the Same without the leave thereof, then
this obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain
in full force and virtue

In the matter of Robert A. Child  }  Now on this day comes the
the application of Robert A. Child} said petitioner by William Edwards
Executor of the last Will and     } his attorney, and it appearing that
Testament of James Child Decd     } the citation heretofore ordered in
for order to Sell real estate for } in this matter have been duly
the purpose of making             } Served on the said William H.
Distribution amoung the heirs &c  } Johnson and Emma C. Johnson
                                  } his wife, they being all the heirs
or devisees interested in Said Estate, and no objections being
made, nor allegations in Said petition heretofore filed denied
It is motion Mr. Edwards Solicitor for petitioner ordered,
adjudged and decreed, and this Court by virtue of the author
=ity therein vested, under the Statute in Such cases made and
provided, do order adjudge and decree that the Said lands in
Said petition mentioned Set forth and described be Sold either
at Public Auction or by private Sale, by and under direction
of James A. Coop, John G. Polhill and Wm Edwards who are
hereby appointed commissioners for that purpose, and may
Sell the Said wither for money or in credit, and in Such guaran
=ties, and upon Such Terms as in the discretion of the Said Commiss
=ioners may Safe **** and proper, and it is further ordered
that the Said Commissioners make a full and a*** report to
this Court after the Sale of Said property or any part
thereof, of their proceedings in this behalf And it is further
ordered that Said Commissioners do not execute title to Said
purchasers, untill directed so to do by this Court
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 2 April 2011
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