Friday May 18th 1855
John Wiggins }
vs } asst
John Lewis }
On this day came the plaintiff by his
Attorney Joseph B. Coker Esqr and issue being joined
thereupon came a Jury, to wit:
John A. Cellon, Benjn Rollins, Saml R. Pyles
Giles U. Ellis, George W. Boston, Archelaus Hague,
John B. Denton, Jacob G. Stroble, Stephen P. Bevill,
James M. Stewart, Cornelius Rain William B. Wimberly,
William S. Perry was examined in behalf of
who being duly Elected tried and sworn to try
the issue Joined, and the said Jury having heard
the evidence and the argument of Counsel and the
Charge of the Court, retired out of Court to
consider of their verdict and thereupon and
upon the same day the said Jury returned into
Court and rendered the following verdict, We the
Jury find for the plaintiff and assess his damages
at one hundred and ninety dollars.
Whereupon it is considered and adjudged by the
Court that the plaintiff do have and recover of
and from the said Defendant the said Sum of
one hundred and ninety dollars for his damages
together with the further Sum of thirteen fourteen
dollars and fifteen cents for his costs in and
about his Suit in this behalf expended and
the Defendant in mercy &c
Written in left margin next to the above entry:
Execution issued June 1st 1855
Eubank Stone & Co }
vs } Asst
John G. Rawls }
Upon the calling of this case
in its order upon the Docket, it appearing to
the the Court that no plea had been filed to the
declaration in this case, it ordered that plaintiffs
take a Judgment by default and that the
Clerk assess the damages, and the Clerk
having assessed the damages at one hundred & thirty one
dollars and Sixty two cents therefore it
considered and adjudged by the Court that
the plaintiff do have and recover of and from |