Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 260
Friday May 18th  1855

James S. King      }
        vs         }  Asst
Edward R. Power    }    On motion this cause is continued

Burnett & Teasdale }
        vs         }  Debt
John M. Payne & Co.}    The Same order

W.W. Scott         }
        vs         }  Asst
Oliver Bryant &    }    The Same order
W.B. Wimberly      }

Joseph B. Watts &         }
Pinckney B. Cale          }
         vs               }  Asst
Charles C. Stewart admr &c}     The Same order

S.B. Thompson             }
        vs                }  Asst
S.W. Burnett & J.A. Weiner}     The Same order

Asa Clark Sr       }
       vs          }  Asst
Leml Wilson        }    The Same Order

Geo W. Sanchez     }
        vs         }  Asst
Wm G. Sikes        } The Same order

John G. Rawls      }
        vs         }  Asst
T.J. Prevatt & wife}  There being no Declaration cause contd and
Executrix &c       }
next term to be appearance term

Saml R. Piles admr &c      }
         vs                }  Asst
Wm Gibbons Chas C. Steward }    On motion this cause is continued
& Lemuel Wilson            }

Henry W. King        }
        vs           }  Attachment
Gregory Yale         }        -- The Same Order
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 23 March 2011
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